But I have no friends!

Behold, the new Recruit-a-Friend program mount:

Image courtesy WoW.com

Alas, I have no friends. That is to say, all the people I know who’d be interested in playing WoW already are playing or had accounts already and have no interest in returning.

The zevra mount is being retired (though if you have one you keep it). So, in order for me to be a completest I’d have to find two friends. One for right now so I could get the zevra and one later to get the rocket.

Ugh. Who has two friends?

About Administrator

Geek. (But so are you!)

Posted on April 6, 2010, in World of Warcraft. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. The impression I got, actually, was that they were retiring the zhevra mount soon enough that a Recruit-A-Friend account started today would get the rocket mount instead. So you may be out of luck. 😦 But I wish you good luck regardless!

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